Analyze your data based on powerful principles

HiCognition allows data analysis of genomic datasets based on the genomic region set approach. Combined with efficient preprocessing and interactive data visualization, this enables rapid exploration.
Region Sets

Genomic region sets are the central component of HiCognition. They allow answering complex questions within an integrated framework.


HiCognition allows efficient aggregation of genomic features at region sets to facilitate rapid exploration.


HiCognition's interactive visualization widgets allow quick data integration to uncover complex dependencies.

Explore average behavior
using aggregation widgets

HiCognition allows visualizing the average behavior of genomic features at genomic regions using aggregation widgets. These widgets allow users to explore both 1D- and 2D-genomic features at genomic region sets.

Discover heterogeneity in your data sets
using embedding widgets

HiCognition features widgets that allow embedding of genomic regions based on genomic features. This way, the heterogeneity of genomic locations can be visualized and further explored by generating new subsets.

Discover associations
using the LOLA widget

HiCognition users can use a powerful widget that implements the LOLA algorithm to discover associations between genomic region sets.

About our project team

HiCognition is a software project co-initiated by Michael Mitter & Christoph Langer
Get in Touch

Contact us on github if you have questions or suggestions about HiCognition.


If you want to contribute to HiCognition, have a look at our contribution guidelines.

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